Conference in Genova, June 2011

Like I needed an excuse to go to Italy in June?

1st IMACSSS International Conference

Game, Drama, Ritual in Martial Arts and Combat Sports

8th-10th June 2012, Genova, Italy

IMACSSS stands for The International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific

Guidelines for topics:

1) Philosophical conceptions, general theories, terminology
and systematics in MA&CS
2) Pedagogy and diactic methodology in MA&CS
3) Kinesiological and physiological aspects of MA&CS
4) Technical and tactical issues in MA&CS
5) Psychological, artistic and spiritual dimensions of MA&CS
6) Historical and socio-cultural aspects about MA&CS.

Does anybody know anything else about this conference?  It seems a bit short. At least for me, I want time for combat and shmoozing.  George Xu has been telling me great things about the way Italians cooperate around learning martial arts.  I might even remember some Italiano from high school (don't laugh, I did attend high school, a little).  This could be really exciting.