I just love this simple blog/business Cirque Physio:

As some of you know, I recently returned to San Francisco from China, where I had been working as a physio for the Chinese Olympic teams in prep for Rio. In China, the cultural standard of beauty for women is to be small and thin- no curves, no muscles, and definitely NO butt. As a result of this, it was nearly impossible to convince ANY female athlete to do their glute/hip strengthening exercises. “But I don’t want to get a big butt! Big butt not cute!” was the common complaint. It was like. Pulling. Teeth. As a result, the first FULL phrase I learned in Chinese was NOT “Hi, how are you?” or “Nice to meet you!” or any number of other useful phrases one typically learns when starting a new language…the first phrase I learned was “Every day is GLUTE day!” This was much more useful for me and my line of work..I used it at LEAST 10 times per day, way more often than the other standard phrases. I would run around the gym, excitedly exclaiming “every day is glute day! Every day is glute day!” While the Chinese athletes and their coaches looked incredulously at each other, wondering who the white girl was who wanted everyone to grow big butts. This was one of the biggest recurrent battles I fought in China (#battleofthebooty??)

What my readers are probably thinking is that this version of “China” is conflicted and false. It has been historically separated from its martial arts and theatrical roots. Performers in the Opera wear costumes to make their bodies/booties whatever shape they want. Problem solved.

Martial artist need a booty, it is a must for fighters. Non-negotiable. Everyday is a Booty Day. The Nezha-Baguazhang role is a booty role. [For some reason the video time stamp function isn’t working, go straight to 45:57 (45min; 57 sec)]

I would say that all the blog posts at Cirque Physio are worth reading. I particularly enjoyed this one too. THORACIC MOBILITY: YOUR CIRCUSSHOULDER’S KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR

If you like that blog, you’ll love my new book, Tai Chi, Baguazhang and The Golden Elixir